GAS Forum



Joining the GAS Forum

The Group Analytic Society Forum is accessible to GAS members only and is part of Google Groups. To join the Forum, you will need to apply to the Society and also be registered with Google Groups.




















To join Google please visit the Google website and set up a Google account (click on relevant link at top right hand corner) with the same email address as the one you intend to use for the Forum. When this is done you can then ask to join the GAS Forum and you will be given further instructions about how to use the Forum.

Step 1

Set up a Google Account as outlined above.

Step 2

Contact the Website Administrator asking for an invitation to join the forum (click here to apply now).

Step 3

Now that you have a Google user name and a password, you can ‘Sign in’ to the forum by visiting the Google Groups Page, accessible from the main Google page.


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